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Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us if your question isn't below and we will answer asap!

What are the minimum graphic and CPU requirements to play the game on PC?

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We recommend that you have at least a 7th Gen Intel Core i3 or AMD equivalent or higher, paired with at least a GeForce GTX 960 or AMD equivalent or higher. However, you may find the game will run acceptably on lower end hardware if you reduce the quality and/or resolution.

How often are there updates to the game?

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We have been putting out updates to the approximately once a month on Steam. This will slow down a bit once we launch on multiple platforms, but as a minimum there will be at least one update per yearly release which will update the players and teams to the latest transfer data.

What is the disk space needed to install the game?

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The game uses approximately 1.6Gb of space.

Is the game available on Steam?

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The game launched on November 16th 2023 on Steam.

Does the game support console cross-play?

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The current version of the game does not support cross-play in online PvP matches. The leagues in career mode are populated with teams from all platforms.

Is the game available on iOS and Android?

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Sociable Soccer 24 is not currently available on iOS or Android. We do have plans for the future, so watch this space. An older version of Sociable Soccer is still available to play on Apple devices via Apple Arcade.